Adirondack – Finger Lakes Grant Awarded to Elevate High School Climate Education 和 Watershed Experiences

2024年3月13日 | 特色, 新闻, 最新的

Adirondack – Finger Lakes Grant Awarded to Elevate High School Climate Education 和 Watershed Experiences

保罗·史密斯,n.Y. 2024年3月13日 冰球突破官方平台 宣布已收到160美元,000 grant from the National Oceanic 和 Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Bay Watershed Education 和 Training (B-WET) to increase student climate literacy 和 support place-based solutions to climate 和 water issues in the Adirondacks 和 the Finger Lakes regions of New York. The funds will enable the 冰球突破官方平台 Adirondack Watershed Institute 和 partners at the Finger Lakes Institute at Hobart 和 William Smith Colleges 和 The Wild Center to support teachers, 教育学生关于管理和气候适应能力的知识, 为青年发展具有分水岭意义的经验.

这个项目, 青年促进气候和水行动, establishes a cohort of six school districts in the Adirondacks 和 the Finger Lakes that will explore 和 compare climate change pressures that are degrading water resources in the Great Lakes watershed.

“NOAA is excited to work with 冰球突破官方平台 和 their partners,莎拉·沃特斯说, Program Coordinator for NOAA’s Great Lakes Bay Watershed Education 和 Training Program. “The project connects high school students in two distinct geographies linked by water – the Adirondacks 和 the Finger Lakes – to deepen their knowledge of climate change impacts on freshwater resources across the Great Lakes Basin 和 underst和 the risks to the Great Lakes watershed.”

Project partners will work directly with high school teachers to develop relevant, local watershed 教育al experiences that will include classroom-based lessons 和 outdoor field experiences that are student-centered. Students will explore traditional knowledge about water resources 和 activities that respect historic community values 和 consider issues of 环境正义 和 equity. Youth from both geographies will convene over the course of the project to synthesize water quality data, 比较各地区的气候风险, 并提出解决当地水和气候问题的方案.

“Climate change is impacting water resources across the globe,Zoë史密斯说, Executive Director of the 冰球突破官方平台 Adirondack Watershed Institute. “冰球突破mg平台的目标 青年促进气候和水行动 is to help students 和 teachers build an underst和ing of actions that will improve water quality 和 climate resilience in their own community.”

Teachers will participate in professional development workshops throughout the project consisting of outdoor field-based experiences 和 training in topics such as water quality science, 环境正义, 气候的沟通, 和更多的.

“We will be supporting teachers to deliver climate change 教育 using active 和 experiential learning techniques 和 locally relevant issues that are important to students,纳迪娅·哈维厄斯说, Associate Director of Educational Programs at the Finger Lakes Institute. “This gives students experience in civic action, which builds collaborative problem-solving skills.”

“This project gives students in rural communities in the Adirondacks 和 the Finger Lakes an opportunity to explore leadership roles 和 pathways to future careers in STEM, 教育, 政策与可持续发展,Jen Kretser说, 野生动物中心气候倡议主任. “The multi-regional aspect of the project also allows for cross-school sharing of climate challenges 和 solutions.”



The NOAA B-WET program is a competitive grant program that promotes Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences: activities driven by rigorous academic learning st和ards that aim to increase participants’ underst和ing 和 stewardship of watersheds 和 related ecosystems. 欲了解更多有关NOAA B-WET项目的信息,请访问 http://www.美国国家海洋和大气管理局.gov / office-教育 / bwet.

关于 the 冰球突破官方平台 Adirondack Watershed Institute

The mission of the 冰球突破官方平台 Adirondack Watershed Institute is to protect clean water, conserve habitats 和 support the health 和 well-being of people in the Adirondacks through scientific inquiry, 为学生提供管理和实际经验. 欲了解更多信息,请访问

关于 The Finger Lakes Institute at Hobart 和 William Smith College

The Finger Lakes Institute at Hobart 和 William Smith Colleges is dedicated to translating knowledge 和 research about the Finger Lakes environment into collaborative action through research, 教育, outreach 和 stewardship within the Finger Lakes watershed community. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 探测.edu.


野生动物中心的任务是 Ignite an enduring passion for the Adirondacks where people 和 nature thrive together 和 offer an example for the world. 他们的全球青年气候项目召开, engages 和 inspires young people 和 educators to learn about climate science, impacts 和 local solutions to take action in their local communities – learn more at






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